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- From: mbk@caffeine.engr.utk.edu (Matt Kennel)
- Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: More Hill-bashing
- Followup-To: sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Date: 7 Jun 1996 19:13:36 GMT
- Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4p9v10$rg4@gaia.ns.utk.edu>
- References: <31aa32c6.593354@nntp.ix.netcom.com> <Ds6573.5ML@avenger.daytonoh.attgis.com> <4onbbv$7t9@excelsior.flash.net> <wkeno0murt.fsf@rcomas> <31AF8E1D.2241@students.wisc.edu> <4osh8v$k6t@news0-alterdial.uu.net> <31B206BD.2734@students.wisc.edu> <31b1fa00.3967891@news.primenet.com> <31B23413.3A94@students.wisc.edu> <31b2519b.1394710@news.primenet.com> <31B28D0A.39D5@students.wisc.edu>
- Reply-To: kennel@msr.epm.ornl.gov
- NNTP-Posting-Host: caffeine.engr.utk.edu
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- Brian Zeiler (bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu) wrote:
- : Mr. Fun wrote:
- : >
- : > Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu> wrote:
- : >
- : > >Mr. Fun wrote:
- : > >
- : > >> What, exactly IS a "field of acceleration"?????
- : > >
- : > >Um... gee, you think gravity might be one?
- : > >
- : >
- : > No. I've never heard anyone talk about a "field of acceleration" except you.
- : Well, don't forget that this guy was already a professor by 1936.
- : Whether or not his terminology is consistent with yours has little
- : bearing on the fact that a "gravitational field" is a well-known term
- : describing an area in which a force is present that accelerates objects.
- Inventing a force and calling it a field adds very little scientific content.
- --
- Matthew B. Kennel/mbk@caffeine.engr.utk.edu/I do not speak for ORNL, DOE or UT
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory/University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN USA/
- *NO MASS EMAIL SPAM* It's an abuse of Federal Government computer resources
- and an affront to common civility.